October 2022, Part 2: Marathon, not a sprint

Dear Reader,

I am alive! Exhausted, in pain, struggling somewhat with basic daily things like showering still, but alive.

I can tell I have never had surgery before. Only three weeks (Three!? It feels like months…) in and the constant mental refrain of “why do I still hurt?” is finally giving way to “oh, I just had major reconstructive work done, it’s a miracle I’m conscious as much as I am”. Hell, I’m only half way to the 6 week mark when I can finally expect the bleeding/discharge to finally (mostly) be done. I’m not even half-way to the point where my movement and lifting restrictions are removed (5 more weeks…). And I’ll still have some restrictions on activity until mid-January.

In the meantime, have a hectic day today and tomorrow as I prepare to leave for home after my last appointment tomorrow morning, so I’ll keep this one brief. Look for a new post hopefully this weekend once I’m home, which should include a book review! I read the loveliest novella during my recovery and I want to share it with you all!

Until then, Dear Reader!


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