Book Review: Catnip, by Vyria Durav

Welcome to Venus, centuries post ecological collapse of Terra. Sol is the first of a polycule hoping to reclaim the ruins of a mad crypto-billionaire’s colony for their family, now that Venus is habitable thanks to centuries of terraforming left unchecked. What awaits Sol isn’t merely the series of technical puzzles he’s expecting, but anContinue reading “Book Review: Catnip, by Vyria Durav”

October 2022, Part 2: Marathon, not a sprint

Dear Reader, I am alive! Exhausted, in pain, struggling somewhat with basic daily things like showering still, but alive. I can tell I have never had surgery before. Only three weeks (Three!? It feels like months…) in and the constant mental refrain of “why do I still hurt?” is finally giving way to “oh, IContinue reading “October 2022, Part 2: Marathon, not a sprint”

October Update 1: Go time

Dear Reader, I’m laying in bed as I type this on October 9th, 15 hours prior to my first major surgery. I have had nothing in my stomach for almost 16 hours except clear liquids, and the stomach has begun voicing complaints on the regular. My hope is to make another update once I’m outContinue reading “October Update 1: Go time”

July 2022: Oops, It’s August

Dear Reader, July passed in a blur, and not necessarily a great one. The last two weeks were a blur of overtime both during the week and the weekends. Only one day off in the whole fourteen day period. The extra time was supposed to bolster my bank account and paid time off stash forContinue reading “July 2022: Oops, It’s August”

June 2022: Writing again!

Dear Reader, June is coming to a close (oops, a little late!) , and with it brings news terrible and… well, not so terrible? A week ago, the US Supreme Court struck down Roe vs Wade in a blow to bodily autonomy for everyone, setting the stage for conservative state legislators to start banning genderContinue reading “June 2022: Writing again!”

May 2022: The Block

Dear Reader, I think I’ve figured it out. I think, at last, I understand why I can’t seem to progress stories beyond the concept phase, despite loving characters, or aspects of the world, or the ideas being explored within them. It’s the suffering. The core of any story is “the thing that goes wrong”. AContinue reading “May 2022: The Block”

April update: A day late, a streak broken

Dear Reader, Alas, the streak has come to an end. After getting updates in before the end of the month (barely, occasionally), I slipped, and this update is being written the day after April has come to an end. A very busy, expensive end. April was *a lot*. There was a lot of paperwork earlyContinue reading “April update: A day late, a streak broken”

March 2022: Panicked Flailing

Hello, Dear Reader, March is almost at an end, and I am running full tilt towards the cliff. The past couple of weeks have been insanely busy. Mostly good, kind of scary, totally anxiety inducing busy. Two major events have hijacked my life: acquiring a car, and surgery preparations. Recently my poor old Honda Civic,Continue reading “March 2022: Panicked Flailing”

February 2022: COVID Strikes Back

Hello, Dear Readers, February has been a trial. I spent most of the past month desperately trying to both avoid catching COVID from my roommate and to avoid risking anyone else catching anything from me if I picked it up without knowing. Between that, and working overtime as much as possible to make up forContinue reading “February 2022: COVID Strikes Back”